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Getting Started

Getting Started Using the SRTR Website

Getting Started Using the SRTR Website

The SRTR website provides access to a very detailed group of reports and tools to review organ transplant data. This information can be used by patients, family members / caregivers, and living donors / potential living donors, as well as transplant professionals, industry professionals, government regulators, and others.

In order to provide access to these reports and tools in a way that meets the needs of many different groups, the website has different pages that might show similar information with different levels of detail.

The user guide below is a place to start learning about options on the SRTR website

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Website Content
Who is this written for?
What will you learn?
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Explore the Patients, Families, & Donors Homepage

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Family Members & Caregivers

Living Donors, Potential Living Donors, & Donor Families

Learn how to find the SRTR resources that are written for patients, families, and donors.

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Explore the Patient Journey

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Family Members & Caregivers

Learn the steps of the transplant journey for patients and see organ-specific descriptions of each step. The Patient Journey is a text version of the interactive Transplant System page.

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Review Questions
for Patients to Consider

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Family Members & Caregivers

At each step, learn what questions may be useful for patients to consider. These questions and answers may depend on the organ type. To begin, use the system map to select an organ type and then select the step on the transplant journey.

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Explore the Donor Journey

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Living Donors, Potential Living
Donors, & Donor Families

Learn the steps of the transplant journey for living donors and see organ-specific descriptions of each step. The Donor Journey is a text version of the interactive Transplant System page.

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Review Questions
for Donors to Consider

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Living Donors, Potential Living
Donors, & Donor Families

At each step, learn what questions may be useful for donors to consider. These questions and answers may depend on the organ type. To begin, use the system map to select an organ type and then select the step on the transplant journey.

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Explore the Transplant System

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Family Members & Caregivers

Living Donors, Potential Living Donors, & Donor Families

Learn about each of the members of the transplant team that will help patients and donors complete the transplant journey. Learn information specific to each organ type and each step of the journey.

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Transplant Center Options

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Shared Decisions

Patients & Professionals

Search for transplant centers in your location and learn what options are available. See details about each center, such as patient outcomes.

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Kidney Transplant vs. Dialysis

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Shared Decisions

Patients & Professionals

Learn about different kidney disease treatment options, including living donor transplant, deceased donor transplant, and dialysis.

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Types of Organ Donors
to Consider

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Shared Decisions

Patients & Professionals

Family Members & Caregivers

Learn about the process of how donors are matched with kidney candidates and the risks and benefits of different donor types.

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Program-Specific Reports

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Transplant Centers

Organ Procurement Organizations

Professionals & Researchers

Learn how to use program specific reports (PSRs) that describe detailed evaluations of each transplant program in the country.

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OPO-Specific Reports

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Transplant Centers

Organ Procurement Organizations

Professionals & Researchers

Learn how to use organ procurement organization (OPO) specific reports (OSRs) that describe detailed evaluations of each OPO in the country.

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Annual Data Reports

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Transplant Centers

Organ Procurement Organizations

Professionals & Researchers

Learn how to use the Annual Data Report (ADR) that provides regional and national data and trends in transplant system performance. The ADR is presented as a PDF.

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Interactive DATA Tool

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Transplant Centers

Organ Procurement Organizations

Professionals & Researchers

Learn how to find data using the interactive Data and Transplant Analytics (DATA) tool. This interactive tool provides access to much of the data in the Annual Data Report and allows users to create and download custom data figures.

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