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General Website Assistance

The Alliance has an expansive list of terminology and abbreviations used in the transplantation field. Visit their website for more info.

On your interactive PSRs page, at the top. If you have comments, a new button “Comments” will appear next to it.

You will need to do that from your SRTR secure site. Once logged into the secure site, go to “Center Home & Reports” on the navigation bar, then on the dropdown, select “Comments”. On that page, you will see information on how to format and upload your comments.

To find the National Center-level Data Sheets in Excel format (NCSD), browse to the SRTR Home page. Under "Reports", click on the “Program-Specific Reports” box.

On the Program-Specific Reports page, scroll to the bottom of the page. You will see a dark blue header “National Center-Level Summary Data by Organ”.

Below that paragraph, there is a drop-down box that says “Select Organ”. That contains the data for the current release. When you select the organ you want to click on the “Download” link will appear to the right of the drop-down to view the spreadsheets.

You can find your own center’s reports on your SRTR Secure site under “Archives”.

Browse to the SRTR Home page. Under "Reports", click on the “Program-Specific Reports” box.

On the Program-Specific Reports page, scroll to the bottom of the page. You will see a dark blue header “Archived Program-Specific Reports”.

Below that, there is a “drop-down” box that says “Select Period”. That contains the data back to January 2010 release. When you select the period you want to look at a light-blue “Download” link will appear next to the period box.

Contact an SRTR representative at

To find the upcoming cycle’s timeline, please view the Transplant Program or  OPO Report timeline pages. These timelines are updated on each public release date.