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5-Tier Search Results

The 5-tier assessments are based on the “expected” graft survival, (or more specifically the observed vs. expected or hazard ratio).

The assessment applies a scoring function that determines the area under a curve. This total area under the curve gives us a value that determines the tier. Learn more about the scoring function.

Graft survival shows how many transplants were done at a program. In some cases, one recipient may have had more than one transplant over time and the data reflects this. This is important because it shows all events that have an effect on the patient’s outcomes. A retransplant can factor into a recipient’s long-term survival as well.

The search results page is sorted as follows:

For kidney, heart and liver:

  1. Getting a Transplant Faster
  2. 1-Year Survival
  3. Transplants in a Year
  4. Survival on the Waitlist

For Lung:

  1. 1-Year Survival
  2. Getting a Transplant Faster
  3. Survival on the Waitlist
  4. Transplants in a Year

 For all other organs:

  1. Transplants in a Year
  2. Getting a Transplant Faster
  3. Survival on the Waitlist

For programs that tie, the order is Getting a Transplant Faster1-Year SurvivalSurvival on the WaitlistDeceased Donor Transplants in a Year and Living Donor Transplants in a Year.