Surgical Recovery
Following your heart transplant, you will be monitored closely by your transplant care team. Some adjustments after transplantation will be permanent – you will need to take immunosuppressant medications for the rest of your life to prevent your body from rejecting the organ (graft), and you may need to adopt dietary restrictions. Other changes will be temporary, such as driving and weight lifting limitations, and needing a caretaker for a time after surgery. Your health care team will discuss these changes with you that are meant to increase the chances of graft survival.
Early Survival After Transplant
All transplant centers track the outcomes of transplant recipients in the first years following transplant. You will need to go back to your transplant center for regular check-ups at first, but these usually become less frequent overtime.
Long-term Survival
Transplant centers may track the outcomes of transplant recipients for many years following transplant; however, as time passes, more patients may move to other areas and receive care at other centers. The center that performed the transplant may not be the center that provides long-term care for a recipient.