Interactive System Map
The Organ Transplant System
Transplant data show that more and more people receive transplants every year and that many people with transplants are living longer after receiving their organ(s) than ever before.
Printable Transplant System Maps View and print the transplant system maps from the graphics library.
Transplant Journey Read about specific steps in the patient transplant journey from beginning to end.

Organ Type
The information you see along the transplant journey will depend on the organ type. Select an organ to start.
Journey Paths
Follow the patient transplant journey from beginning to end. Select the pulldown options to include donor and professional paths on the transplant system map.
Considering a Transplant
The transplant journey should start with understanding your treatment options. Organ transplantation may be an option for you. The steps below are important parts of the journey.
The number of transplants performed in the United States has increased annually with more than 41,000 organ transplants performed in the U.S. in 2021. You can learn more about the journey to decide if it is the right choice for you.
How long do organ transplants last?
Click on stops along each path to see more questions.
Find a Center
A transplant center will decide if transplant is medically appropriate for you and will coordinate the steps that follow to get patients on the waiting list and perform the transplant.
The transplant center is an important part of your care team. There is detailed information available about every transplant center in the country to help understand your options.
What centers are in my area for the organ or multi-organ transplant that I need?
Click on stops along each path to see more questions.
Getting Listed
The steps to get listed: Referral, evaluation, and listing may be different for each patient depending on insurance, how many centers you are considering, and many other factors.
As you prepare for this process, remember you are not alone in this journey. There are many people out there willing to share their experiences with you and guide you through the transplant process.
What regions would increase my chances of an organ transplant if I multi-list at another center?
Click on stops along each path to see more questions.
Getting a Transplant
The steps to get a transplant: Survival on the Waitlist, an Organ Offer, and Getting a Transplant can be unpredictable. Waiting for a transplant is not like taking a number and waiting your turn. The waitlist is better described as a giant pool of patients. When a deceased organ donor is identified, a national computer system generates a ranked list of transplant candidates who are compatible for that organ.
There are actions you can take, including learning how to stay healthy and learning what to expect when you get an organ offer.
What are the outcomes of patients on the
organ waitlist?
Click on stops along each path to see more questions.
Recovery After Transplant
The process to recover and stay healthy will change as you move from surgical recovery to your new life as a transplant recipient.
Once you’ve received your transplant, you can enjoy many of your favorite activities again. Another way that transplant recipients find joy is in helping patients who are considering transplant.
What are outcomes at a center after recovering
from surgery?
Click on stops along each path to see more questions.