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For OPO Professionals

You will find your OPO’s Donor Level Data Sheets posted on the SRTR secure site designated for your center. If you do not have access, email and they will guide you to your secure site administrator, whom will add you upon request.

There is more information that pertains specifically to the secure reports, tools, and other data provided on the organ procurement organizations’ secure site FAQs page.

Contact an SRTR representative at the address: For more information about creating your account and administration of your program's secure site, see Secure Site Instructions

OSRs are released publicly in January and July of each year. The release cycle occurs in three primary phases:

  1. Data review period: SRTR uses data provided last day of September or March to create draft reports for programs to review during October 1-31 or April 1-30. Programs should look at their Data Integrity reports provided on the SRTR secure site to correct their OPTN data during this review cycle. (For information on how to get on to your program’s SRTR secure site, contact us at
  2. Secure release: Following the data review period, SRTR uses OPTN data provided in November or May to create preview versions of the final OPO-specific reports that are then provided to OPOs in December or June. This is also when the Donor Yield Calculator is provided on the SRTR secure site for OPOs to review their yield measures with the new risk adjustments applied. OPOs also have the opportunity to provide comments to be appended to the public version of the report at that time.
  3. Public release: In January or July, OPOs have the opportunity to provide comments up to a month after the public release. SRTR posts any comments provided by the OPOs or programs on our public website.

In C1 tables and E tables, we are counting the actual transplants, so liver, pancreas, intestine segments are counted as are individual kidneys or lungs. (In C1 or E tables, we’re looking at the end result—how many people benefited.)

However, in the C3 tables, we are looking at the yield per donor for transplants. Liver is counted as 1, because a donor can only yield one liver, even if the liver was split. Like in table C1, kidneys and lungs are counted as 2, even if transplanted as En Bloc. In C3, heart valves and pancreas islet cells are not counted as recovered organs.

Here are a few other key things that may cause some difference between counts in the tables:

  1. Each liver or pancreas segment is counted separately (in C1, not C3)
  2. The cohort of C1 is based on recovery date not transplant date.
  3. C1 is a summary of the organ disposition as indicated on the deceased donor registration and does not use the reason codes.
  4. C1 counts recovered, E tables count transplanted. The numbers can also be different because of the time the transplant actually took place.

No. Islets are excluded.

You will find the archived OSRs and Donor Level Data sheets under “Archives” on the SRTR Secure site designated for your OPO. If you do not have access, email and they will guide you to your secure site administrator, whom will add you upon request.

You will find the current yield calculator on the SRTR Secure site designated for your OPO. If you do not have access, email and they will guide you to your secure site administrator, whom will add you upon request.

Email your request to

The Alliance has an expansive list of terminology and abbreviations used in the transplantation field. Visit their website for more info.